Greek Government (the Ministry of Energy, Environment and Climate
Change – MEECC) and the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project have today
signed the Host Government Agreement (HGA) in Athens, agreed in
principle last week.
The HGA sets out the framework by which the project will be realized and operated on Greek territory. This includes processes related to land easement and acquisition, the implementation of technical, safety, environmental and social standards and permitting.
TAP will be one of the largest sources of foreign direct investment in Greece, and is estimated to cost approximately Euro 1.5 bn for the Greek section. During construction, TAP is anticipated to create some 2,000 direct, and up to 10,000 indirect, new jobs across a number of industries including manufacturing and utilities, transport, communications and financial and business services. The project already collaborates with a number of Greek businesses and experts, and will seek to expand such cooperation in line with its commitment to Local Content.
TAP will enhance Europe’s energy security and diversity by providing a new source of gas. The pipeline will transport natural gas from the giant Shah Deniz II development in Azerbaijan, through Greece and Albania to Italy, from where it can be transported further into Western and Central Europe.
The longest section of the TAP pipeline will be in Greece. The pipeline will start at Kipoi at the Turkish-Greek border, and will cover some 550km entering Albania northwest of Dipotamia. As such, the project will support Greece’s ambition of becoming an important “Energy Highway.” Furthermore, the planned interconnection points and reverse flow capability of TAP will also support security of supply for other countries in the region.
Kjetil Tungland, TAP’s Managing Director, stated: “I am delighted to be here in Athens today on this very special occasion. I would like to thank the Greek Government and all those involved for their dedication, hard work and support, which has resulted in today’s signing of this Host Government Agreement. We are well on our way to deliver a project that will have notable positive impact on Greece, the region as well as European energy objectives”
Rikard Scoufias, TAP’s Country Director for Greece, added: “Concluding on the contents of this agreement has required a significant amount of work from both parties. This achievement has resulted not only in an important component for securing Greece’s and TAP’s bid for the Southern Gas Corridor, but also constitutes an international benchmark for expediency in terms of establishing a positive investment climate. With the support provided by the Greek Government, as well as the Greek Parliament, I feel that we are well on our way to deliver a project that will have notable positive impact on Greece, the region as well as European energy objectives.”
- See more at: 26/6/13 -- - Related:
Das von der EU und den USA favorisierte Nabucco-Projekt, mit dem
Erdgas aus Aserbaidschan nach Europa fließen sollte, ist gescheitert.
Das für die Erschließung des riesigen aserbaidschanischen Gasfeldes Shah Deniz II zuständige Konsortium entschied für die Trans-Adriatische-Pipeline (TAP), wie der österreichische Konzern OMV, Aktionär bei der Nabucco Gas Pipeline Internationalen GmbH, am Mittwoch mitteilte. Aus der aserbaidschanischen Hauptstadt Baku verlautete am gleichen Tag, dass Vertreter des aserbaidschanischen Staatskonzerns SOCAR und der BP-Tochter BP Azerbaijan noch am Mittwoch nach Griechenland reisen, um Regierungschef Antonis Samaras über die Entscheidung persönlich zu informieren.
"Die Seiten werden voraussichtlich ein Abkommen über die Wahl der TAP-Leitung zur Versorgung Europas mit aserbaidschanischem Gas unterzeichnen", meldete die in Baku ansässige Nachrichtenagentur Trend unter Berufung auf die italienische Agentur ANSA. Über die TAP-Leitung soll Gas vom Kaspischen Meer via Griechenland, Albanien und das Adriatische Meer in den Süden Italiens transportiert werden.
Betreiber des Shah-Deniz-Konsortiums ist BP mit einem Anteil von 25,5 Prozent. Die norwegische Statoil hält ebenfalls 25,5 Prozent der anteile. SOCAR, der russische Konzern LUKoil, die iranische NICO und die französische Total besitzen jeweils 10 Prozent und die türkische TPAO 9 Prozent der Anteile.
Mehr zum Thema:
The HGA sets out the framework by which the project will be realized and operated on Greek territory. This includes processes related to land easement and acquisition, the implementation of technical, safety, environmental and social standards and permitting.
TAP will be one of the largest sources of foreign direct investment in Greece, and is estimated to cost approximately Euro 1.5 bn for the Greek section. During construction, TAP is anticipated to create some 2,000 direct, and up to 10,000 indirect, new jobs across a number of industries including manufacturing and utilities, transport, communications and financial and business services. The project already collaborates with a number of Greek businesses and experts, and will seek to expand such cooperation in line with its commitment to Local Content.
TAP will enhance Europe’s energy security and diversity by providing a new source of gas. The pipeline will transport natural gas from the giant Shah Deniz II development in Azerbaijan, through Greece and Albania to Italy, from where it can be transported further into Western and Central Europe.
The longest section of the TAP pipeline will be in Greece. The pipeline will start at Kipoi at the Turkish-Greek border, and will cover some 550km entering Albania northwest of Dipotamia. As such, the project will support Greece’s ambition of becoming an important “Energy Highway.” Furthermore, the planned interconnection points and reverse flow capability of TAP will also support security of supply for other countries in the region.
Kjetil Tungland, TAP’s Managing Director, stated: “I am delighted to be here in Athens today on this very special occasion. I would like to thank the Greek Government and all those involved for their dedication, hard work and support, which has resulted in today’s signing of this Host Government Agreement. We are well on our way to deliver a project that will have notable positive impact on Greece, the region as well as European energy objectives”
Rikard Scoufias, TAP’s Country Director for Greece, added: “Concluding on the contents of this agreement has required a significant amount of work from both parties. This achievement has resulted not only in an important component for securing Greece’s and TAP’s bid for the Southern Gas Corridor, but also constitutes an international benchmark for expediency in terms of establishing a positive investment climate. With the support provided by the Greek Government, as well as the Greek Parliament, I feel that we are well on our way to deliver a project that will have notable positive impact on Greece, the region as well as European energy objectives.”
- See more at: 26/6/13 -- - Related:
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Endgültiges Aus für Nabucco - Konsortium entscheidet für Trans-Adriatische Pipeline
Das für die Erschließung des riesigen aserbaidschanischen Gasfeldes Shah Deniz II zuständige Konsortium entschied für die Trans-Adriatische-Pipeline (TAP), wie der österreichische Konzern OMV, Aktionär bei der Nabucco Gas Pipeline Internationalen GmbH, am Mittwoch mitteilte. Aus der aserbaidschanischen Hauptstadt Baku verlautete am gleichen Tag, dass Vertreter des aserbaidschanischen Staatskonzerns SOCAR und der BP-Tochter BP Azerbaijan noch am Mittwoch nach Griechenland reisen, um Regierungschef Antonis Samaras über die Entscheidung persönlich zu informieren.
"Die Seiten werden voraussichtlich ein Abkommen über die Wahl der TAP-Leitung zur Versorgung Europas mit aserbaidschanischem Gas unterzeichnen", meldete die in Baku ansässige Nachrichtenagentur Trend unter Berufung auf die italienische Agentur ANSA. Über die TAP-Leitung soll Gas vom Kaspischen Meer via Griechenland, Albanien und das Adriatische Meer in den Süden Italiens transportiert werden.
Betreiber des Shah-Deniz-Konsortiums ist BP mit einem Anteil von 25,5 Prozent. Die norwegische Statoil hält ebenfalls 25,5 Prozent der anteile. SOCAR, der russische Konzern LUKoil, die iranische NICO und die französische Total besitzen jeweils 10 Prozent und die türkische TPAO 9 Prozent der Anteile.
Προκρίθηκε ο αγωγός TAP, σύμφωνα με τον αυστριακό ενεργειακό όμιλο OVM
Υπογράφηκε η "Συμφωνία Φιλοξενούσας Χώρας" με την κοινοπραξία του αγωγού TAP
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