European Parliament President Martin Schulz made the following statement on an agreement to end the crisis in Ukraine:
"The deal between the government and the opposition in Ukraine offers hope that the country has avoided the worst: escalation of violence and more deaths. I welcome the agreement although the road to rebuilding trust and stability will not be easy.
Violence must stop immediately. We owe it to the victims of the deadly clashes who we now all mourn. The crisis should end through a peaceful political process, which will require serious commitment of all sides, particularly the authorities, to form an inclusive government, start constitutional reform and organise early elections.
I hail efforts of the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany and Poland to help broker the agreement in Ukraine."
"The deal between the government and the opposition in Ukraine offers hope that the country has avoided the worst: escalation of violence and more deaths. I welcome the agreement although the road to rebuilding trust and stability will not be easy.
Violence must stop immediately. We owe it to the victims of the deadly clashes who we now all mourn. The crisis should end through a peaceful political process, which will require serious commitment of all sides, particularly the authorities, to form an inclusive government, start constitutional reform and organise early elections.
I hail efforts of the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany and Poland to help broker the agreement in Ukraine."
The amnesty law is coming into force in Ukraine from February 17
Putin rejects meddling in Ukraine. -Pas de révision des accords avec l'Ukraine si l'opposition arrive au pouvoir
Russia temporarily cuts gas price by one third to help Ukraine
Ukraine : l'UE suspend les négociations, les manifestations se poursuivent/John McCain Visits Ukraine, Backs Opposition Protesters
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